Sunday, August 25, 2019

The Revolution of 1215?

The Revolution of 1215?
The Editor

The Motto of this journal states that its purpose is, “Defending the revolutions of 1215, 1688, 1776, and 1865 from ‘progressive’ counter revolution.” The revolution of 1215 it refers to is the sealing of Magna Carta and the events surrounding it. What one might ask has this to do with the American republic? The answer is pointed to by the first seal of independent Massachusetts, which depicts a colonist with a sword in one hand and a copy of Magna Carta in the other.
            This is because, when the Baron’s revolted under the leadership of Archbishop Stephen Langton against John Lackland a.k.a. bad King John, they set off a series of events that culminated in, on the one hand, the tradition of common law rights and on the other, with the creation of parliament. This did not happen all at once of course, but because under the Great Charter, the king could not tax except for traditional feudal dues, without the consent of the barons, parliaments were called regularly starting in 1236.
From the beginning a number of knights were sometimes called along with the barons. In 1265 representatives of the towns were called for the first time. Starting in 1295 it became regular for the commons to be called along with the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, for as King Edward I wrote in his summons, "what touches all, should be approved of all, and it is also clear that common dangers should be met by measures agreed upon in common." It was at this parliament that it became the practice that the King would first tend to grievances before parliament would give money. In 1327, parliament was the venue in which Edward II was deposed and Edward III was hailed as king. In 1332 the knights and representatives of the towns meet together as separate house from the Lords. In 1376 parliament impeached some of the king’s ministers for the first time. The post of Speaker of the House of Commons was established formally in 1377.
            I could go on but the point is that since about 1295 England has been a self-governing community with strong elements of democracy that have increased over time. At the same time a series of English constitutional documents built on the legal rights enumerated in Magna Charta.
            The Great Charter itself guaranties a number of important rights including, most famously article 30. “No freemen shall be taken or imprisoned or disseized or exiled or in any way destroyed, nor will we go upon him nor send upon him, except by the lawful judgment of his peers or by the law of the land.” But that is by no means all: article 2 and 3 are a restriction on inheritance taxes; article 8 guaranties widows the right not to be remarried without their consent; articles 28, 30 and 31 protect the people from the deprivation of their property without payment.
            These are rights also protected in our bill of rights, article 6 of which protects trial by jury and Article 5 which protects against government seizure of property without compensation.
We often think that no taxation without representation is an American idea, but article 12 states, “No scutage not aid shall be imposed on our kingdom, unless by common counsel of our kingdom.” Article 14 says that “for obtaining the common counsel of the kingdom and the assessing of an aid or of a scutage, we will cause to be summoned the archbishops, bishops, abbots, earls, and greater barons, severally by our letters. Nor was this all to the sole interest of the nobles for the King also promised in article 15 that he would not, “grant to anyone license to take an aid from his own free tenants, except to ransom his person, to make his eldest son a knight, and once to marry his eldest daughter; and on each of these occasions there shall be levied only a reasonable aid.” That is it restricted the robles power to tax as well.
            The point of all this is that the foundations of the American project go back far before the Declaration of Independence in 1776 or even the Glorious revolution of 1688. To understand our founding documents fully it is necessary to understand the history behind them. This is especially true of the more undefined provisions of the bill of rights such as the 9th Amendment, which is only an “Ink Blot” if one does not know the history of our people.

Friday, August 23, 2019

The Old Republic, Vol. 1 No. 2

From now on, you can support The Old Republic by buying it on Amazon! Here is the link to the first issue containing material already posted on the blog.

The new second addition is here.

The essays in this addition will be posted on the blog over next few months.

The Old
R e p u b l i c

Defending the revolutions of 1215, 1688, 1776, and 1865 from “progressive” counter revolution

A Journal of Traditional American Politics                             Summer 2019, Vol.1 No.2

The Revolution of 1215? 2
Economics……… The Case for the Platinum Standard……………….… 4
Law………If we wanted simple and effective financial regulation… 5
Reform………..…….A Balanced Budget Amendment………...……………page 8
Foreign Policy………….….. After Brexit Q&A………….           ………… 10
Space..A Corporate & Political Structure for the Colonization of Mars…page 13

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

The Green New Deal is not Green

The Green New Deal is not Green
By Stephen W. Houghton II

            What ever one thinks of the “social justice” and “welfare” provisions of Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez’s Green New Deal, as a program to reduce carbon emissions it is totally inadequate.
            Those who are worried about climate change cannot be expected to be taken seriously if they allow their own prejudices to influence what they claim to be emergency legislation. A program to reduce carbon emissions that does not include the words “nuclear fission” cannot claim to be based on science. 
            The plain fact is that wind and earth based solar power are inadequate for base line power generation. Until such time as nuclear fusion can be made work, if it even can be, hydroelectric and nuclear fission are the key to a low or zero emissions electric supply. That is not to say that wind and solar have no place in energy generation, especially if paired with something like hydro energy storage, but that place will be relatively small at least in the near term.
            That Ms. Ocasio-Cortez cannot even mention fission indicates that she, and a significant portion of the environmental movement, is not serious about climate change. Paired with her proposal to ration car and air travel, this suggests that she is driven by a fundamentally Malthusian mentality.
            This is made even clearer by the omission of the words “space industrialization” from her proposal. Consider that the energy output of the sun every second is 678,000 times the amount of power humanity uses in a year. In space, there are no clouds to block the light so it can be used for base line power generation.
            Further, space mining will provide nearly unlimited amounts of metals and other elements that can be used to create orbital habitats many thousands of times the area of earth for us and the rest of the biosphere to inhabit. But more importantly in this context, it can be used to create solar shades that could block part of the sun light not used for photosynthesis, thus lowering global temperature.  
            Since the value of the hundred most valuable known asteroids is believed to exceed $10 quadrillion, more than a hundred times annual world GDP, the probability that asteroid mining will not begin in the next two decades is essentially zero.
            Some might reasonably ask why we should spend money to build sun shades instead of just reducing carbon emissions. The answer is that first, space industrialization will make us all richer and second that they will have to be built eventually anyway as the increasing solar output over the next few hundred million years will render the earth uninhabitable without them. The only question is will we build sun shades as a wealthy space faring society or a poor society crippled by excessive regulation.
            Ms. Ocasio-Cortez and a part of the environmental movement seem to have not noticed that Elion Musk, Jeff Bezos, and the developers of other reusable launch systems have solved climate change as a long term problem. Now all we have to do is not cripple the space industry and use nuclear fission to mitigate the possible damage from carbon dioxide emissions. But we will not do either, if those posing as the champions of the environment will not face the facts.
             Hopefully I am misjudging Ms. Ocasio-Cortez and she will take the above as friendly criticism and adopt her plan accordingly. If she does she will be attacked by the “sustainability” cult, it is a cult since it denies the second law of thermodynamics, for heresy. But if she believes that global warming is as serious a problem as she states, then that will be a small price to pay.

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Multiculturalism the Enabler of Fascism

Advocates of multiculturalism like to pretend they are the vanguard of liberalism. In fact, in both ideology and effect, they are the enablers of fascism.
They put forward the doctrine that all cultures are equal and that to criticize another culture is racist. That the aforementioned doctrine is in fact racist is something they are seemingly blind to.

Multiculturalism racist? Why yes. The idea that all cultures are equal and your culture is good for you and my culture is good for me and that no one can say one is better than the other is based on a racial deterministic view of culture. That is to say that multiculturalists believe that people have a culture in the same way that people have blue eyes or black skin or red hair. Thus from the multiculturalist point of view, to judge one culture superior to another, is to judge one group of people superior to another.

This was the same view held by the Nazis. They believed that national socialism was true for Germans. They were willing to admit it might not be true for all people. But it was true for them and that was all that was important to them. They differed from the multiculturalists in believing that the German “volk” was superior to all other races.

All the multiculturalists have done with the Nazi theory is to declare that no one culture is better than another. This is so, they say, because no one can move outside of one’s own culture to evaluate other cultures objectively because culture is not a chosen form of behavior, but deterministic.

However it is unclear why if one is unable to judge other cultures one should care for them or consider them of any value what so ever, never mind of equal value. This is exactly what the Nazis did, they held that critiques of their ideas using logic were invalid because it was Jewish-British-Middle Class logic and all they were interested in was “German logic.”

The problem is that if, like the multiculturalists, one rejects the use of reason as a means of relations between people of different cultures, there is nothing left to regulate the relations between cultures, but brute force. It is exactly this that the Nazis argued. Since, according to the Nazis, there was nothing but German logic and French logic, there is nothing to do about conflicts of interest but fight. Of course that is what the Nazis did do. They fought and killed without mercy or reason.

In essence the multiculturalists follow the Nazis up to these last two steps and then flinch from the logical conclusion of their own ideas. That they do draw back from murder and genocide is of course to their credit, but the problem is that they spread one of the basic ideas of fascism.

Now let’s turn to the logical effects of multiculturalism even setting aside for a moment its logical extreme.

Since according to multiculturalism, all cultures are of equal value, it follows that if one culture embraces individual rights, democracy and capitalism, and another perpetual jihad, honor killings, female genital mutilation, and wife beating, one culture is not to be preferred over the other.

In other words the primary effect of multiculturalism is to morally disarm the good and morally arm the evil.

Now let us turn to the effects of multiculturalism as it effects the situation in Europe today with regards to the struggle between Western Civilization and Islamic Civilization.

First of all it should be noted that the idea that this must be an all or nothing struggle with no learning on either side is itself an artifact of multiculturalism. There may in fact be good points that Western Civilization could gain from Islamic Civilization, its high value on hospitality for example. Likewise, Islamic civilization could gain an increased respect for the value of reason, individual rights, and democracy.

However, as long as the multicultural idea is predominant no such mutual learning is likely to take place. If French rudeness is of equal value with Islamic ideas of hospitality then why should the French change their ways. Likewise if Islamic female genital mutilation is of equal value with Western equal rights for women, why should Muslims change theirs?

Of course Western Civilization and Islamic Civilization are not of equal value. By comparison Islamic Civilization is barbaric. However this is the one conclusion that multiculturalists feel they must deny. They are in fact frantic to deny it, because they believe, due to the internal logic of multiculturalism, that the only alternative to declaring blind equality is a race war.

Thus anyone who points out that Western Civilization is superior to Islamic Civilization as it now exists, is labeled a racist by the multiculturalists. It is important to understand that this is both a tactic in that having rejected reason the multiculturalists can only resort to name calling or force and it is a reflection of the interior state of the multiculturalists.

By accepting the racial determination of ideas the multiculturalists has put himself in a trap where the only two alternatives are supine surrender to inferior cultures and fascist genocide. The liberal alternative of education and assimilation of the people from the more backward culture is blanked out of their minds by the false alternatives of their racial determinism.

Since most cultures, to be even marginally successful, must consider themselves to be of value and most consider themselves of superior value to other cultures, the multiculturalists declaration that for example Islam is of equal value with Western Civilization is not meet with joy by those the multiculturalists are pandering to.

The pandering is in fact seen as both an insult and an invitation to aggression. Consider that the militant Islamic believes wrongly that his culture is superior. He is met with the insult that his culture is no better than Western Civilization and then observes that this supposedly equal civilization believes that it is of no more value than any civilization however backward. The Islamist both feels insulted and believes that any action he takes to revenge the insult will be meet with passivity.

The natural result is what we have seen over the past two decades in Europe, increasing sectarian violence by Muslims. The first victims of this violence are those from their own culture. Women primarily are increasing abused as it becomes clear that the host culture will not protect them. Next the people who were once part of that culture but have rejected it become the victims of the totalitarian impulses of the Islamists. Then groups that have been traditionally the enemies of Muslims and whose toleration by Western Civilization is recent or incomplete, such as Jews and Gays come under attack. Finally, as the supine surrender of the multiculturalists becomes obvious, the majority population itself comes under attack. The multiculturalists of course try and ignore this escalating cycle of violence.

Because the idea of fascist genocide is so terrible, the multiculturalists understandably, given their premise, cling violently to their wrongheaded ideology, even as events make the need for action plain. They tend to deny that any problem exists. If they control the media they will tend to down play the aggression of the violent group. They will even lie and suppress evidence that contradicts their fervent hope that all is well. If they control the state they will tend to use its power to keep the question of civilizational conflict from coming to the fore. They may even pass laws making cultural criticisms illegal. Though they thought themselves the vanguard of liberalism, they find themselves suppressing free speech in the name of fighting racism, real and imagined.

Thus the multicultural European elite demonize relatively moderate parties that want to take steps to limit the conflict between the native population and the Muslim immigrants. Absurd slippery slope arguments are made that equate reasonable restrictions on immigration with the first step of genocide.
It is important again to realize that as with the hysterical charges of racism, these slippery slope arguments are both tactical and a reflection of the inter beliefs of the multiculturalists.

However the hysterical charges of racism and the absurd slippery slope arguments will have the opposite of their intended effect. They will weaken the forces of liberalism instead of strengthening them.

In fact the multiculturalists will start to find that, just as social democrats were unable in many cases to fight off the contending forces of communism and fascism in the thirties that the center will not hold.

The center will tend not to hold because of three factors. The first is that the multiculturalists have demonized the only force, liberalism that could have saved them. The second factor is that multiculturalists are in fact ideologically abetting fascism. The more wide spread is the belief in multiculturalism, the more wide spread is one of the tenants of fascism. The last reason the center will tend not to hold is that the same moral emptiness that keeps the multiculturalists from fighting the Islamists effectively, will keep them from fighting the fascists in the majority population effectively.

In fact the multiculturalists’ dirty secret, which they hide even from themselves, is that they, to the extent that they do want to stave off Islamic domination, think that the fascists have the right, indeed the only idea, of how to win.

Thus while at present the multiculturalists will tend to demonize the forces of liberal moderation such as the List Pim Fortuyn, the United Kingdom Independence Party, and the Danish Peoples Party, equating them with fascism. In the longer term however they will likely tend towards fascism themselves.

In fact there are as far as I can see only five possible courses forward for Europe.

The best outcome that can be hoped for is that the forces of liberalism will make a massive recovery of their moral strength in the next few years and begin a massive program of education, assimilation, and the enforcement of western values as embodied in the criminal law of their countries to protect the women, children and non violent portions of their immigrant Muslim communities.

The second best scenario is that such a recovery of liberal moral strength, but not until a civil war is inevitable. Then they will have to fight the reactionary forces of radical Islam while simultaneously restraining the fascists among the native population. This will to put it mildly be difficult, especially since both groups of fascists will be trying to provoke atrocities.

Depressingly the third best out come that can be projected is that a liberal revival halts total Islamic victory and Europe ends up like Lebanon as a patchwork of hostile ethnic enclaves.

The fourth and fifth outcomes are frankly unspeakable, either fascist or Islamic victory.

Now since Europe, the EU’s propaganda to the contrary notwithstanding, is not unified, different outcomes could occur in different countries.

However it is important to realize that Europe has several strikes against it in resisting both fascism and Islamism. First the European Union has no unifying history or ideology that could be used to acculturate the Muslim population and immigrants. Second the closest thing it does have to such an ideology is transnational democratic socialism which has become heavily impregnated with or is identical with multiculturalism, which is the problem. Third, while the European idea is insufficient to be an acculturating force, it maybe powerful enough to constrain the real nationalism of Europe’s actual nations thus weakening one of the potential forces of moderation.

Given the riots in Paris, it maybe to late to avoid civil war, however it may not be. It is certainly not to late to avoid balkanization or fascist or islamist victory. However Liberals, Conservatives, Libertarians and all others who reject the poison of multiculturalism must rally to enforce the protection of individual rights for every citizen and deny special privileges for the forces of Islamic reaction.

I believe that Europe is still strong enough to save itself from the forces of multiculturalism, Islamism and fascism, but time is running out.

Monday, March 11, 2019

The Parable of Naweristan

                In Central Asia, there is the land of Naweristan. It is inhabited by two tribes or ethnic groups the Azari and the Bakahari. The Azari make up a little less than 51 percent of the population and Bakahari a little more than 49 percent.
                Since Naweristan is electoral democracy, the Azari are naturally in a position to control the government, especially since they are more likely to register to vote than the Bakahari and thus make up 53.6% of the voters. It is thus not surprising that in many instances the law favors Azari in disputes with Bakaharri. One indication of this imbalance is that Bakahari make up 93 percent of the prison population.
                Naweristan society also tends to favor Azari. They own more than 60 percent of the country’s wealth.   By convention, an Azari may assault a Bakahari without consequence as long as no permanent damage is done, this is in fact a stock scene in Naweri comedy, but the reverse is not true. Azari make up 60 percent of college graduates, they earn more than 58 percent of masters degrees and more than 51 percent of doctorates. Azari are widely and traditionally considered by Naweri the epitome of moral goodness and rectitude, while Bakahari are considered violent and brutish.
                Bakahari fill the most dangerous jobs in Naweristan society suffering more than 90 percent of the work place fatalities. The combat arms of the Naweristan Army are made up almost exclusively of Bakahari who represent 88 percent of combat fatalities. The Bakahari have an average lifespan five years shorter than Azari. It is perhaps not surprising that Bakahari make up more than 75% of suicides in Naweristan.
                Which of these groups would you consider oppressed?
                Now consider, that disturbingly there is a growing ideology, rooted in the traditional view of Azari as caring and Bakahari as brutish, that holds that Naweristan is a society in which the Azari are oppressed. That Naweristan is a Bakahariarchy in which the needs of Bakahari are prioritized over the needs of the Azari, all evidence to the contrary notwithstanding. The latest move by this Azari supremacist movement is to openly consider the testimony of Azari of more probative value than that of Bukahari. This is being called “listening to Azari.”
                Now let us drop the pretense that I am talking about anything other than men and women in the United States, so that I can admit that this only tells part of the story, but it does show that anyone who thinks we live in a patriarchy is delusional.